900mm / White

Extension Rods for Ceiling Fans | Tropicana and Modn


PRICE: $55.00


Extension rod for Three Sixty's Modn-4 and Tropicana Ceiling Fans.

When installing a ceiling fan, it's important to consider the height of your ceiling. Depending on the height, you may need to adjust the fan's height using a downrod. This will bring the fan closer to the floor and improve its airflow. 

For optimal performance, Australian safety standards require that the ceiling fan blades be at least 2.1m (210cm) above the floor. Threesixty fans come with a downrod suitable for standard ceilings (2.4m to 2.8m). However, for low ceilings, it's important to check the fan's specifications to ensure that the fan stays above 2.1m. 

If you have high ceilings (2.9m to 3.7m), adding a 900mm downrod can help you achieve an optimal height of 240-270cm. An electrician can cut the downrod to size. For very high ceilings (3.9m and above), a 1800mm downrod is recommended. This can also be cut to size by an electrician.