Coastal Grade. What does it actually mean??

IL DELFINO Yamba Courtyard

Living in Australia it’s safe to say most of us have experienced a day at the beach, with the sand between our toes and that fresh salty air sticking to our skin. Could you imagine being left outside in one sedentary position all day and all night rain, hail or shine? That is exactly what your exterior light fittings will be doing! Let’s think about them for a second while we consider our design needs.

This guide breaks down some of the materials that may be suitable in coastal areas and that can withstand our harsh Australian climate aside from the classic “marine grade”.


 Most materials may carry a risk of deterioration and/or corrosion over time, so selecting the right fittings as well as regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to ensure the longest lifespan for your lights. We also suggest reading Our Guide to Exterior Lighting for more information about finding the right IP-rated product for your situation.

We always recommend consulting your electrician before making a purchase to ensure the IP rating and materiality of a chosen product are suitable for your specific use scenario. You are also welcome to contact our friendly team to discuss your needs.


Brass is an alloy which is comprised of copper and zinc. It has high corrosive resistance properties and is very malleable, which makes it easily machined into a variety of shapes and can come in a range of different finishes.

While we all love the shiny gold finish of brass, this material also has the charm of being “the gift that keeps on giving”. Over time it will naturally start to oxidise, resulting in tarnish on the metal, which is referred to as patina. This helps to shield the brass from corrosion and gives it an aged look. Patina also acts as a protective layer which is what makes it such a durable material to use in coastal applications.

Overall, brass can be a suitable material to use in coastal environments, and it will adapt and change its appearance over time, which gives it a certain uniqueness. It will require a little TLC to keep up its shiny appearance if that’s the look you are after.

Fun fact: The earliest brass, called calamine brass is believed to have been created from a reduction of zinc and copper ores, which date back to Neolithic times!


Copper is another enduring material that is favoured here at Lighting Collective. Copper is a natural resource and is one of the most hard-wearing materials on the market. It can often withstand anything that the coastal environment can throw at it without rust or rot or becoming brittle from prolonged sun exposure.

Similar to brass and bronze, copper will naturally oxidise over time with exposure to atmospheric elements such as oxygen, rain, carbon dioxide and other sulphur bearing compounds. These elements will tarnish the natural copper and develop a protective patina layer. Copper can take years to develop what's called the verdigris patina, especially in dry climates.

Unlike brass and bronze, only specific cleaners should be used on your copper fittings if you want to keep them in their natural state. This can be A LOT of maintenance so we would only advise selecting a copper fitting if you are happy with all stages of the ageing process, and let’s face it, it is a beautiful thing to age gracefully!

Overall, copper is a hearty metal and will not rust when left to the elements, although it will adapt with its environment and age accordingly.

Fun fact: Copper is man's oldest metal, dating back more than 10,000 years and it is recyclable!


Concrete is often seen as the golden child when it comes to coastal applications. It is the most commonly used man-made material on earth so why not incorporate it into your lighting.
Concrete is a composite material which is comprised of cement, water and aggregate. Mixed together they create a beautiful paste which is then poured and hardened over time.


Concrete is very resistant and as it is not a metal it will not get effected by rust, oxidisation or any type of rot. The sun and UV rays will not make it brittle and it is not affected by moisture, earning its position as the coastal “golden child” of materials. As far as long-lasting materials go, concrete is low maintenance and our top pick for coastal applications.

Overall Concrete is a fantastic material to use in coastal environments as it is content with neglect and the low maintenance lifestyle.

Fun Fact: Concrete was first developed by the Egyptians! It was a little different back then consisting of lime, chalk or oyster shells but this was used as a cement forming agent until the 1800s!

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is an alloy composed primarily of iron. There are many different grades of stainless steel, thousands in fact. However, we are going to focus on marine grade 316.

Stainless steel 316 is valued for its anti-corrosive properties, making it a great material to use around your coastal property. Along with many other ingredients it contains chromium, which gives its anti-corrosive properties.

The chromium in 316 does oxidise over time which is where you might see the stainless steel start to tarnish. This can generally be removed by cleaning the metal with a stainless-steel cleaner to restore its natural beauty.

Overall stainless steel 316 or Marine Grade stainless is a good metal for coastal environments as it will withstand the test of time. It will need a little maintenance though if you want to keep it nice and shiny new looking.

Fun Fact: Stainless steel is recyclable. It can also be woven and worn!  


When it comes to light fittings, aluminium takes the cake for popularity. Why? Aluminium is a cost-effective material which is soft, lightweight with a low density and the ability to resist corrosion – the trifecta.

Aluminium comes in varying grades, some which have higher corrosion resistance properties than others. That being said, aluminium is susceptible to corrosion from chloride, AKA Sodium Chloride aka SALT! Because of this, manufactures will apply a protective coating on their fittings to protect the aluminium from oxidation and salt corrosion. The three most popular protective coatings are paint, powder coating and anodizing.

Painted aluminium is generally not suitable for coastal areas as the paint is susceptible to chipping and if the natural material is exposed it has the possibility to oxidise due to air exposure. This finish is preferably for non-coastal areas or interior use.

Powder coating is often used to protect aluminium for external use and in some coastal scenarios. There are varying ways to powder coat, as such, the degree of durability and resistance to corrosion can vary. It's always good to check that the powder coating used for a product is suitable for your needs. As with paint, there is also the possibility of scratching. If damage occurs, it will require immediate attention to avoid the material becoming more susceptible to corrosion.

Anodized aluminium is corrosion resistant from chloride however it is subject to galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion occurs when the aluminium encounters other metals such as copper and steel. So, it is best to isolate your anodized fittings or group them with others alike.

Overall, aluminium can be used as a material for coastal environments when covered by a high-quality protective layer. Not all aluminium products are suitable for coastal applications so if in doubt please reach out to our team.

Fun Fact: Aluminium is the most naturally abundant mineral on Earth after oxygen and silicon!    

Other Materials

Coastal Courtyard
Coastal Living

Some other options to use when looking at materials for your coastal project are glass, poly-carbonates and galvanised materials.

Glass is a good choice as it is extremely low maintenance and will not be effected by external elements. Just keep in mind that the back plates or other components used on a glass fitting are suitable for coastal areas as well otherwise you may find these parts will start to degrade while the glass stays in perfect condition.

As poly-carbonates are not metals they will not experience the common issues of rust, rot or corrosion. That said, some plastics can become brittle when subject to UV rays and long sun exposure, so the suitability for coastal locations will likely vary depending on the material quality.

Galvanised is another hearty material which can withstand a coastal application. This again comes in varying grades so please check out our coastal collection to see what suits your specific needs.



 We always recommend consulting your electrician before making a purchase to ensure the IP rating and materiality of a chosen product are suitable for your specific use scenario. You are also welcome to contact our friendly team to discuss your needs.

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