Meet The Artist

In your own words can you tell us what you do?

My passion is creating expressive abstract artworks for interior spaces using a mix of mediums including clay plaster, sand, acrylics and earth pigments. I also dabble in marketing, graphic design and run a small textile design studio here in the Northern Rivers.

What is inspiring you?

Earthy palettes and texture is something that I’ve always been drawn to. I like to pull inspiration from nature which is at the very core of my work.

Talk us through your visual process.

I’m currently working at my home studio (AKA my backyard) therefore waiting for good weather is always the first step. I prep the artworks and ad base layers of plasters, working on multiple pieces at a time. I like to plan ahead and have an initial concept of how I want them to look and feel, decide on a palette and what composition I want for each piece.

I usually only work on a couple of layers at a time and spend the next few days/weeks pondering on what will happen next. It’s a slow, intuitive process and I focus on how I want the piece to make me and the viewers feel. I use earth pigments and acrylics to add colour to the work and plaster layers to lighten the piece. I’m able to sand back any areas I want to change (kind of like an eraser) due to the materials used. It’s a pretty handy feature.

I know a work is finished when I have the feeling of wanting to keep it for myself instead of letting it go, but know it will always find the right home of where it is meant to end up.



How does light play a role in your work?

Lighting plays a huge role in my work due to the clay plaster material used. It requires good natural and designed lighting to really showcase the work at its best. When you see the morning sunlight hitting a piece or a featured spotlight on the work at night, the sand used in the work comes alive (oh so subtly) and adds a joyful sparkle to the space.


What is important to you in a space/ interior?

A combination of textures, cohesive subtle palettes, calming space is what I crave . I believe it’s so important to have a space that speaks to your own personality and expresses who you are and what you’re about.

What is on the horizon for you?

At the moment I am currently working on a collection of up-cycled works. Re-worked pieces that have been re-loved so they can find their forever home.

Favourite artist or designer?

I absolutely adore Sarah Delaney’s works. Would love to own one of her pieces one day.

Photography credits Anna Hutchcroft